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The Biggest Challenge MSP Helpdesks Face in 2022

2 minute read

Gerwai Todd

The Biggest Challenge MSP Helpdesks Face in 2022

As we head into 2022, with an increased reliance on digital solutions and remote workforce, the future should be bright for MSP helpdesks. But is it? As MSP-industry veterans, we know that MSPs have always faced challenges to productivity and profitability in the form of cybersecurity, siloed and inefficient tech stacks, phasing new tech solutions in and out, and even (our reason for being) costly and inefficient scheduling ping-pong. But none of these is the biggest challenge that MSPs are facing when it comes to helpdesk profitability in 2022.

Here’s the top concern we’ve heard from our customers – and how our revolutionary, automated scheduling solution can help.

Profitability Pressure: The Top Concerns For MSP Helpdesks in 2022

Of all the impacts of the pandemic, the compression of workforce availability may be one of the most surprising – particularly considering the explosive growth and increased demand for skilled team members in the tech sector. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Labor Costs Have Created A Profitability Pressure for MSPs.

In a recent report from Service Leadership (a ConnectWise solution that has been delivering industry-leading benchmarking insights, peer groups, and services for TSPs for over 20 years), shared financial information collected from thousands of MSPs in Q3 2021 and the bottom line is: labor costs are going up and margins and profitability are being compressed. 

2. MSPs Must Work Fast & Maximize Efficiency.

The good news is, there are solutions to help offset this profitability pressure in the form of increased efficiency in workflow processes and by harnessing the power of best-in-class tech solutions to increase efficiency. The pressure to make decisions on how to combat this compression is real, so MSPs need to make implementing efficiencies across their organizations a priority. 

3. Every Efficiency Counts.

At TimeZest, we have seen firsthand the power of a single, simple, efficient solution to what, at first, may seem like a small problem. In our experience in the MSP helpdesk industry, we saw how the inefficiencies of support scheduling lowered client and team member satisfaction and ate into profitability (scheduling robs MSPs of up to two weeks of time every year). By creating a solution that could be seamlessly integrated into the ticket workflow process of existing PSA’s like ConnectWise and AutoTask, we were able to revolutionize the support scheduling experience, boosting customer and employee satisfaction and profitability. 

Let’s Keep This Conversation Going

We believe that this will be a successful and exciting year ahead for MSP helpdesks – as long as they’re prepared to leverage solutions that can increase their efficiency and profitability across their organizations. Over the next few months, we’ll be going into more detail on the top tech tools and solutions to help MSP helpdesks combat profitability compression. 

As always, we’re proud to help eliminate one of the most frustrating, and surprisingly costly inefficiencies for helpdesks: support scheduling (and rescheduling, and no-shows…). We hear from MSP helpdesks every day that TimeZest has optimized the process and increased efficiency. Learn more about how you can harness the power of TimeZest to optimize your MSP helpdesk here.

Start your 14-day free trial of TimeZest today!